Seven day Roguelike 2022p1: Lettersong


I’m taking part in my first 7DRL! I’ll be making a game about being a magic man.

Magic is a strange, alien thing, teasing apart esoteric, abstract rules, and finally imprinting your will on the world with precise gestures and symbols. This is also what you feel when you first read Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs and begin to understand the LISP meta-circular evaluator.
So, the point of this game is to evoke that feeling; of understanding, of picking apart- and then the joy of building something that works in certain tight constraints.

I guess the game might end up close to a Zachtronics game in some ways…

Tags: roguelike lettersong 7DRL

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Eduardo - date unknown:

Hey i really like this idea, looking forward to your submission! I'll also be taking part on 7drl, trying to make a roguelike version of death stranding.
Alex - 09/03/2022:

Hi! I saw your posts about your submission- I really like the ASCII Sam in the UI! I'll try and get my submission playable come the end of the week, but I can't guarantee it'll work on windows by then... I plan to get that done then, or in an after-7drl patch, though!